If you want to sell your house right away and can afford to offer incentives to the person who buys your house, you might have a better chance of selling it quickly. An incentive is like a gift you can give to the buyer, and the incentive will encourage the buyer to purchase your house. To have a good effect on the sale, the incentives you offer will probably need to be relatively significant in value, and here are some ideas to consider using.
Offer free inspections
When a person buys a house, he or she is typically responsible for paying most of the costs involved with the sale, and some of these costs are for inspections. If you advertise with your listing that you will pay for all the inspections, people might be more interested in your house. These inspections can cost a lot of money if you add them up, and this will be money the buyer can save. If you do this, you may want to place limits on the inspections by stating you will cover the costs of all inspections required by the buyer's lender.
Give allowances
If your house is in less than perfect condition, you have two choices. You could either make the necessary repairs it needs, or you could sell the house as-is. There is one other option, though, and it is perfect if you are interested in offering an incentive on the house. This option involves offering allowances to the buyer for the things the house needs. You could advertise this as well by writing that you are willing to give allowances to the person who buys your house to cover the costs for making certain repairs the house needs. You do not need to advertise an amount for these allowances. Instead, you could use this as a way to negotiate with the buyer.
Offer prepaid services
One other unique type of incentive to consider is offering prepaid services. For example, if the house has a pool, offer one-year of pool services to the buyer. These services would cover all the chemicals needed for the pool, water tests, and cleaning and maintenance. If you don't have a pool, you could offer prepaid services for other things, such as lawn care.
Offering incentives is one option you have as a seller that can motivate people to buy your house. If you are interested in learning about other incentives you could offer, ask a real estate agent today. For more information on homes for sale and getting your place on the market, talk with your realtor.